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SamoaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaGuamHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahU.S. Virgin IslandsVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code Church(Required)Please Select-OtherAchille, CommunityAchille, FirstAda, AhlosoAda, ColbertAda, FaithAda, FirstAda, First IndianAda, GaleyAda, High HillAda, HomerAda, LoveladyAda, Morris MemorialAda, Oak AvenueAda, Sovereign Grace BibleAda, TrinityAda, Trinity HispanicAda, Union HillAda, Union ValleyAdair, FirstAdair, Pleasant HopeAddingtonAfton, CleoraAfton, FirstAfton, Trinity SouthernAgra, FirstAlbanyAlbany, Red River Valley CowboyAlbert, OneyAlbion, FirstAlex, SouthernAllen, FirstAlluweAltus, EmmanuelAltus, FirstAltus, FriendshipAltus, Martha RoadAltus, Primera Iglesia BautistaAltus, SouthsideAltus, TrinityAlva, FirstAmber, FirstAmes BaptistAnadarko, BethelAnadarko, FirstAnadarko, Indian CapitalAnadarko, Rock SpringAnadarko, Square TopAnadarko, Virginia AvenueAnderson, Buffalo CreekAntlers, DarwinAntlers, FaithAntlers, FirstAntlers, Little CedarAntlers, WestsideApache, CowboyApache, FirstArapaho, FirstArbuckleArcadia, First SouthernArdmore, BrockArdmore, ConcordArdmore, DurwoodArdmore, EmmanuelArdmore, FirstArdmore, IndianArdmore, Mary NiblackArdmore, Primera Iglesia De Bautista HispanaArdmore, Rawhide Cowboy ChurchArdmore, SouthwestArdmore, TrinityArdmore, WOWArkoma, FirstArmstrong, FirstArnett, FirstAsher, FirstAtoka, BentleyAtoka, BlackjackAtoka, FarrisAtoka, FirstAtoka, HarmonyAtoka, HillcrestAtoka, New HopeAtoka, SouthsideAtoka, TushkaAtoka, Wards ChapelAtoka-CoalAtwood, FirstAvantBalkoBannerBarnsdall, FirstBarnsdall, VictoryBartlesville, Eastern HeightsBartlesville, FirstBartlesville, Greater FirstBartlesville, Highland ParkBartlesville, Labadie HeightsBartlesville, New HarmonyBartlesville, Silver LakeBartlesville, SouthernBartlesville, TrinityBartlesville, Virginia AvenueBeaver, FirstBeaver, Iglesia BautistaBeggs, CrossroadsBeggs, FirstBeggs, NaturaBennington, FirstBennington, WadeBernice, FirstBessieBethany, Council RoadBethany, FirstBethany, Fuente De VidaBethany, New Covenant FellowshipBethany, Roca FuerteBethany, TulakesBethel Acres, New HopeBig CabinBig Cabin, UtopiaBillings, FirstBingerBixby, BemoBixby, Bixby ChurchBixby, Broken RiceBixby, CityBixby, CrossroadsBixby, EvergreenBixby, FirstBixby, New BeginningsBixby, RiverviewBixby, Tulsa AwakeningBlackburn, FirstBlackgum, FirstBlackwell, FirstBlackwell, Iglesia Bautista EmanuelBlackwell, ImmanuelBlair, FirstBlair, Great Plains ReformedBlanchard, AgapeBlanchard, Cole FirstBlanchard, Crossroad To LifeBlanchard, FirstBlanchard, MiddlebergBlanchard, Midway SouthernBlanchard, New BeginningsBlanchard, New LifeBlanchard, Open DoorBlanchard, RidgecrestBlancoBlockerBluejacket, Cornerstone FaithBluejacket, FirstBluejacket, TimberhillBoise City, FirstBoise City, Primera HispanaBoise City, WheelessBokchito, FaithBokchito, FirstBokchito, Reynolds ChapelBokchito, RobinsonBokchito, Yuba FirstBokoshe, FirstBoswell, FirstBowlegs, Cedar CreekBowlegs, FirstBoynton, EramBradley, FirstBraggs, FirstBraggs, Sand SpringBristow, FirstBristow, TrinityBristow, True Vine IndianBroken Arrow, Agape ChineseBroken Arrow, Anthem ChurchBroken Arrow, Arrow HeightsBroken Arrow, Aspen ParkBroken Arrow, BattleCreek ChurchBroken Arrow, ClearviewBroken Arrow, County LineBroken Arrow, Deaf Church at Battle CreekBroken Arrow, Emmanuel ZoBroken Arrow, FirstBroken Arrow, Forest RidgeBroken Arrow, GloryLandBroken Arrow, KoreanBroken Arrow, New LifeBroken Arrow, Sequoyah CreekBroken Arrow, South BABroken Arrow, SunnysideBroken Arrow, VietnameseBroken Bow, Chapel of the PinesBroken Bow, FirstBroken Bow, MyrtlewoodBromideBryanBuffalo, FirstBunch, Beaver IndianBunch, Rock FenceBurbank, FirstBurneyvilleBurneyville, JimtownBurns Flat, FirstButler, FirstByarsByron, FirstCache, FirstCache, WichitaCaddoCaddo, Blue RiverCaddo, FirstCaddo, VocaCaleraCalera, Grace IndianCalumetCalvin, FirstCalvin, TookparfkaCameron University, BCMCameron, FirstCameron, Liberty HillCanadian, First SouthernCaney, FirstCaney, Mt CarmelCanton, FirstCanute, FirstCardin, FirstCarl Albert State College, BCMCarnegie, AlfalfaCarnegie, Faith IndianCarnegie, FirstCarney, FirstCarter, FirstCarter, RetropCartwright, FirstCashion, FirstCastleCatoosa, FirstCatoosa, New CovenantCatoosa, Oak GroveCatoosa, Shield of FaithCement, FirstCement, LavertyCentrahomaCentralChandler, FirstChandler, SouthernChattanooga, AntiochChattanooga, FirstChautauqua, New LifeChecotah, Brush HillChecotah, Deep Fork HillabeeChecotah, FirstChecotah, HopeChecotah, OnapaChelsea, FirstChelsea, HarborChelsea, WinganonCherokeeCherokee StripCherokee, FirstCheyenne, FirstCheyenne-ArapahoChi-Ka-ShaChickasha, College HeightsChickasha, Fellowship of American IndiansChickasha, FirstChickasha, Michigan AvenueChickasha, SharonChickasha, Son RiseChickasha, Southern HillsChickasha, TrinityChoctaw, Choctaw RoadChoctaw, Eastland HillsChoctaw, FirstChoctaw, The BranchChoctaw-ChickasawChouteau, FirstCimarronClaremore, Eastern HillsClaremore, EmmanuelClaremore, FaithClaremore, FirstClaremore, HilldaleClaremore, King RoadClaremore, Memorial HeightsClaremore, MidwayClaremore, New LifeClaremore, North Park TrinityClaremore, Owalla RoadClaremore, SageeyahClaremore, SequoyahClaremore, TiawahClaremore, WashingtonClaremore, WillieoClayton, FirstClebit, FirstCleo SpringsCleveland, FirstCleveland, Western HeightsCleveland, WestportClinton, Custer AvenueClinton, FirstClinton, Hispana SionClinton, IndianClinton, Tabernacle of WorshipCoalgate, CottonwoodCoalgate, FirstCoalgate, OlneyColbert, FirstColcord, Clouds CreekColcord, FirstColcord, New GreenColcord, Solid RockColeman BaptistCollinsville, EastsideCollinsville, FirstCollinsville, Speak Life MeadowviewComanche, CorumComanche, CountrysideComanche, FirstComanche, PattersonComanche-CottonCommerce, FirstCommerce, SoutheastConnerville, FirstConnerville, OkchamaliConnors State College / Muskogee Area BCMCooksonCopan, FirstCordell, FirstCorn, CalvaryCouncil Hill, CountrysideCouncil Hill, Elm GroveCountyline, FirstCovington, FirstCoweta, CommunityCoweta, CrossPointCoweta, FirstCoweta, Jackson GroveCoweta, Lone StarCoyle, FirstCraig-MayesCrawford, MagnoliaCrescent, CentralCrescent, FirstCrescent, Oak ValleyCromwell, FirstCromwell, Little QuarsartyCrowder, FirstCushing, CalvaryCushing, FirstCushing, First IndianCushing, New PathwaysCushing, Oak GroveCushing, Only WayCushing, Park PlaceCuster City, FirstCyril, FirstCyril, MidwayDaleDavenport, FirstDavidson, FirstDavis, CommunityDavis, FirstDavis, ImmanuelDel City, Del ViewDel City, First SouthernDel City, Jesus Is Lord MissionaryDel City, Solomon TempleDel City, Sunnylane SouthernDelaware, FirstDepew, FirstDevol, FirstDewar, FirstDewey, BluestemDewey, FirstDewey, Rose HillDibble, FirstDickson, Faith SouthernDickson, FirstDill City, FirstDougherty, FirstDover, FirstDrummond, CrossDrumright, FirstDuke, FirstDuke, Prairie HillDuncan, Chisholm Trail CowboyDuncan, ConnectionDuncan, El Divino SalvadorDuncan, FairDuncan, FirstDuncan, Freedom BikerDuncan, GraceDuncan, ImmanuelDuncan, LibertyDuncan, New Hope WestDuncan, ParkviewDuncan, RecoveryDuncan, TrinityDuncan, Western HeightsDurant, BlueDurant, BrownDurant, BushnellDurant, CalvaryDurant, CobbDurant, FairviewDurant, FirstDurant, GraceDurant, LakepointDurant, RobertaDurant, SiloDurant, Stone CreekDurant, Sunset ViewDurant, Western MeadowsDurhamDustin, FaithDustin, FirstEakly, Bethel Spanish MissionEakly, FirstEarlsboro, FairviewEarlsboro, FirstEarlsboro, IndianEast CentralEast Central, BCMEastern Oklahoma State College, BCMEdmond, Acts CommunityEdmond, Chisholm CreekEdmond, Coffee CreekEdmond, DeepenEdmond, Edmond CommunityEdmond, FirstEdmond, First BanglaEdmond, First IndianEdmond, FrontlineEdmond, GatewayEdmond, Henderson HillsEdmond, Highland ParkEdmond, HispanaEdmond, KoreanEdmond, Legacy FamilyEdmond, Mission BibleEdmond, North PointeEdmond, OakdaleEdmond, RedemptionEdmond, UnboundEdmond, VintageEdmond, Waterloo RoadEl Reno, FirstEl Reno, IndianEl Reno, New HopeEl Reno, TrinityEldorado, CorinthEldorado, FirstElgin, ConnectionElgin, CrossroadsElgin, Grace CommunityElgin, Locust GroveElk City, EastsideElk City, FairviewElk City, FirstElk City, First Hispanic Familia de FeElk City, IndianElk City, Main StreetElk City, OneElk City, Prairie ViewElmer, HessElmore City, FirstElmore City, Katie VictoryEnid, BethlehemEnid, Chisholm Trail CowboyEnid, EmmanuelEnid, FirstEnid, Garland RoadEnid, GracewayEnid, Iglesia Bautista Agua VivaEnid, Iglesia Bautista EmanuelEnid, International GraceEnid, Liberty SouthernEnid, Open DoorEnid, TrinityEnid, Your FamilyEnonEnterpriseErick, FirstEucha, HillsideEucha, Round SpringsEucha, South Grand LakeEufaula, ArtusseeEufaula, EkklesiaEufaula, FirstEufaula, LennaEufaula, Lindsey ChapelEufaula, Little Coweta IndianEufaula, New Arbor IndianEufaula, North ForkEufaula, Oak RidgeEufaula, OkfuskeeEufaula, StidhamEufaula, TuskegeeEufaula, VivianEufaula, West Eufaula IndianFairfax, First OsageFairland, FirstFairland, Hudson CreekFairview, FirstFairview, OrionFaxon, FirstFelt, FirstFelt, Primera MissionFinleyFinley, One Creek ValleyFittstown, FirstFittstown, Hickory HillFitzhugh, FirstFletcher, FirstForest Park, Northeast MissionaryForgan, FirstFort Cobb, FirstFort Cobb, First CaddoFort Gibson, FirstFort Gibson, South RidgeFort SupplyFort Towson, CorinthFort Towson, FaithwayFort Towson, FirstFort Towson, SobolFoss, FirstFoxFoyilFrancis, FirstFrederick, FirstFrederick, HispanaFrederick, TescaFriscoGage, FirstGarber, FirstGarvin, FirstGarvin, Waterin' HoleGeary, Chief CornerstoneGeary, FirstGene Autry, FirstGeronimo, FirstGlencoe, FirstGlenpool, FirstGlenpool, Solid RockGoldenGoldsbyGoodwell, FirstGore, CrossingGore, First SouthernGore, NotchietownGotebo, FirstGowenGracemont, FirstGradyGrandfield, CalvaryGrandfield, FirstGranite, FirstGranite, Lake CreekGrant, FirstGreat PlainsGreenfield, FirstGrove, Crosswired CowboyGrove, DelawareGrove, DodgeGrove, Elk RiverGrove, FirstGrove, Grand LakeGrove, TrinityGuthrie, Charter OakGuthrie, CommunityGuthrie, FaithGuthrie, First SouthernGuthrie, FriendshipGuthrie, Grace CovenantGuthrie, LakeviewGuthrie, Noble AvenueGuthrie, Seward RoadGuymon, FirstGuymon, First HispanicGuymon, Sunset LaneHaileyville, FirstHallett, FirstHammon, FirstHanna, FirstHanna, WeogufkeeHardesty, BethelHardesty, FirstHarrah, FaithHarrah, FirstHarrah, LegacyHartshorne, AdamsonHartshorne, CornerstoneHartshorne, FirstHaskell, Bended Knee CowboyHaskell, FirstHaskell, Mount ZionHaskell, StonebluffHastingsHaywoodHayworth, BokhomaHeadrick, FirstHealdton, BethelHealdton, FirstHeavener, Big CreekHeavener, Big Creek HispanicHeavener, FirstHeavener, ForresterHeavener, HontubbyHeavener, IndependenceHeavener, LovingHeavener, Nueva Vida en CristoHeavener, PageHeavener, Perry ChapelHeavener, Pilgrims RestHeavener, TrinityHelena, FirstHendrixHennepin, FirstHennessey, Cristo ReyHennessey, FirstHenryetta, FirstHenryetta, ImmanuelHenryetta, SalemHenryetta, Silver SpringHenryetta, WilsonHickory, FirstHinton, FirstHinton, ScottHitchita, FirstHitchita, Grave Creek IndianHobart, Daw-Tow-KootHobart, FirstHobart, Territory CowboyHobart, Washington StreetHodgen, FirstHodgen, Stapp-ZoeHoffman, FirstHoldenville, BannerHoldenville, CalvaryHoldenville, Cedar RiverHoldenville, Eben-ezerHoldenville, FirstHoldenville, First IndianHoldenville, Freedom Crossroads BikerHoldenville, Many Springs IndianHoldenville, Penn WestHollis, FaithHollis, FirstHominy, FirstHonobia, FirstHooker, FirstHowe, FirstHowe, Mountain ViewHowe, SpringhillHowe, The HighwayHowe, VictoryHugo, Clayton AvenueHugo, Cowboy CrossingHugo, EmmanuelHugo, FirstHugo, Oak GroveHugo, ShoalsHugo, SouthsideHugo, TrinityHugo, UnityHugo, VictoryHulbert, FirstHulbert, KeenerHulbert, New Hope First IndianHulbert, Norwood LakeviewHulbert, SwimmerHydro, FirstHydro, Pleasant ValleyHydro, Swan LakeIdabel, CentralIdabel, FirstIdabel, Forest HillIdabel, ImmanuelIdabel, TrinityIndiahomaIndianola, FirstInola, CalvaryInola, Cowboy Gatherin'Inola, FirstInola, TrinityIrving, FirstJay, Brush CreekJay, FirstJay, New HopeJay, Old Clouds CreekJay, Pine RidgeJay, PineyJay, TyioJay, WhitewaterJay, ZenaJenks, Beaver StreetJenks, FirstJenks, SouthsideJennings, FirstJohnston-MarshallJones, FirstJones, Living WordKansas, CrosstiesKansas, FirstKansas, Long PrairieKansas, Twin OaksKaw City, Oak GroveKayKellyville, FirstKellyville, SunriseKempKeneficKenefic, Butcher PenKentonKeota, Bethel IndianKeota, CowlingtonKeota, FirstKeota, New HopeKeota, UnityKetchum, First SouthernKeyes, FirstKiefer, FirstKiefer, RelentlessKiefer, Risen LifeKildareKingfisher, All NationsKingfisher, FirstKingfisher, Iglesia Bautista EmanuelKingston, Bay PointKingston, Cross RoadsKingston, EnosKingston, FirstKingston, HilltopKingston, New Hope SouthernKingston, Texoma SouthernKingston, WillisKinta, FirstKiowa, FirstKonawa, BethlehemKonawa, FirstKonawa, VamoosaKrebs, FirstKrebs, RichvilleLahoma, FirstLamar, CarsonLamar, FirstLamar, Middle Creek #1Lamont, FirstLane, CrystalLane, FirstLangley, FirstLangston University, BCMLaverne, FirstLawton, All NationsLawton, Cache Creek CowboyLawton, CalvaryLawton, CameronLawton, CentralLawton, CommunityLawton, DayspringLawton, FirstLawton, First ChineseLawton, First EastLawton, First WestLawton, FriendshipLawton, HopeLawton, ImmanuelLawton, Korean FirstLawton, Legacy Faith & FamilyLawton, LetitiaLawton, Mount CalvaryLawton, NorthsideLawton, OlivetLawton, Paradise ValleyLawton, Pollard AvenueLawton, Providence MissionaryLawton, St. JamesLawton, TrinityLeach, FirstLebanon, FirstLeedey, FirstLeedey, Moorewood MissionaryLeFloreLeflore, FirstLeflore, ThessalonianLehigh, FirstLenapah, FirstLeonLeonard, FirstLequireLexington, Acts 2 BaptistLexington, CorbettLexington, CornerstoneLexington, FirstLindsay, BannerLindsay, CalvaryLindsay, CrinerLindsay, Erin SpringsLindsay, FirstLindsay, HughesLindsay, PayneLindsey, Living SanctuaryLittle Axe, FirstLoco, FirstLocust Grove, BallouLocust Grove, Cedar CrestLocust Grove, CountryLocust Grove, FaithLocust Grove, FirstLocust Grove, Little RockLocust Grove, Snake CreekLone Grove, CheekLone Grove, FirstLone Wolf, FirstLongdale, FirstLuther, FirstMacomb, RomulusMadill, Archard RoadMadill, Cross-N-Spurs CowboyMadill, CumberlandMadill, FirstMadill, GranthamMadill, Little CityMadill, Nueva VidaMadill, OakviewMadill, PickensMangum, Abundant LifeMangum, FirstMangum, RussellMangum, TrinityMannford, FirstMannford, Freedom HillMannford, Lakeside SouthernMannford, New HopeMannsville, FirstMarble City, FirstMarietta, EastsideMarietta, FirstMarietta, Primera HispanaMarietta, Shady DaleMarland, FirstMarlow, CentralMarlow, DentonMarlow, EastsideMarlow, FirstMarlow, LakesideMarlow, St YorkMarshall, FirstMaud, FirstMaud, TrinityMaysville, CowboyMaysville, FirstMaysville, StoryMazie, FirstMcAlester, ArpelarMcAlester, CalvaryMcAlester, Choate PrairieMcAlester, CommunityMcAlester, Double SpringsMcAlester, DowMcAlester, EmmanuelMcAlester, FirstMcAlester, First IndianMcAlester, FrinkMcAlester, High HillMcAlester, HillcrestMcAlester, Kiamichi Country CowboyMcAlester, MekkoMcAlester, ScipioMcAlester, Victory ParkMcCurtain, FirstMcloud, EmmanuelMcloud, Emmaus IndianMcLoud, FirstMcLoud, Hazel DellMcLoud, HillsideMeadMead, EmmanuelMead, Streetman RoadMedford, FirstMedicine Park, FirstMeeker, FirstMeeker, MammothMeridianMetro Baptist NetworkMiami, EastsideMiami, FirstMiami, Green AcresMiami, Hispanic MissionMiami, ImmanuelMiami, LibertyMiami, Lone StarMiami, MicronesianMiami, Mound ValleyMiami, Mount ZionMiami, NarcissaMiami, NorthwestMiami, Nueva VidaMiami, Ottawa IndianMiami, SoutheastMiami, Southern HillsMiami, Two RiversMilburn, FirstMilburn, NidaMilfay, FirstMill Creek, FirstMinco, CanaanMinco, FirstMinco, Hazel DellMonkey Island, Lake CenterMonroe, FirstMoore, ElevateMoore, FirstMoore, First IndianMoore, HighlandMoore, Philippine InternationalMoore, Regency ParkMoore, SouthmooreMoore, The WellMoore, TransitionalMooreland, FirstMorris, FirstMorris, LibertyMorris, TrinityMorrison, Hilltop CountryMounds, FirstMounds, LibertyMounds, Snake Creek 1Mountain View, FirstMoyersMoyers, MillerMuldrow, BellefonteMuldrow, FellowshipMuldrow, FirstMuldrow, Monte CalvarioMuldrow, NewMuldrow, ShortMuldrow, VictoryMulhall, FirstMullinsMurray State College, BCMMuscogee-Seminole-WichitaMuse BaptistMuskogeeMuskogee, All NationsMuskogee, AntiochMuskogee, Ash StreetMuskogee, Boston AvenueMuskogee, Brushy MountainMuskogee, Butler CreekMuskogee, CalvaryMuskogee, CentralMuskogee, Eastern HeightsMuskogee, EkklesiaMuskogee, FairviewMuskogee, FirstMuskogee, First IndianMuskogee, First MissionaryMuskogee, GraceMuskogee, GrandviewMuskogee, Iglesia Bautista HispanaMuskogee, ImmanuelMuskogee, Keefeton TrinityMuskogee, MeadowbrookMuskogee, Mountain ViewMuskogee, New CommunityMuskogee, New HopeMuskogee, Oldham MemorialMuskogee, SoutheastMuskogee, Three Rivers CowboyMuskogee, TimothyMustang, Chisholm HeightsMustang, FirstMustang, Mustang HeightsMustang, The WellMWC, Country EstatesMWC, CrestMWC, EastpointMWC, EastwoodMWC, FirstMWC, Fresh FireMWC, Gideon's LighthouseMWC, KoreanMWC, MeadowoodMWC, New CommunityMWC, Soldier CreekMWC, SoonerNash, Bethel HawleyNash, FirstNashoba ValleyNewalla, CountrysideNewalla, FirstNewalla, New LifeNewalla, Pecan ValleyNewcastle, FirstNewcastle, New LifeNewcastle, Woodland HillsNewkirk, FirstNicoma Park, FirstNinnekah, FirstNo AssociationNoble, EtowahNoble, FirstNoble, Freedom BikerNoble, MaguireNoble, Twelve CornersNorman, AlamedaNorman, BethelNorman, Blue LakesNorman, ChineseNorman, CommunityNorman, Cornerstone IndianNorman, El Buen PastorNorman, FirstNorman, FranklinNorman, Grace FellowshipNorman, HilltopNorman, Hope CommunityNorman, ImmanuelNorman, KoreanNorman, LakeviewNorman, MagnifyNorman, New Life BibleNorman, NortheastNorman, ParadigmNorman, Primera HispanaNorman, Providence RoadNorman, RedeemerNorman, RiverNorman, The Church at NormanNorman, ThunderbirdNorman, TrinityNorth CanadianNortheasternNortheastern Oklahoma A&M College, BCMNortheastern State University, BCMNorthern Oklahoma State College - Enid, BCMNorthern Oklahoma State College - Tonkawa, BCMNorthwesternNorthwestern Oklahoma State College, BCMNowata, FirstNowata, His LifeOakhurstOchelata, FirstOilton, FirstOkarche, FirstOkay, FirstOKC, Antioch FellowshipOKC, BethelOKC, Beverly HillsOKC, BridgePointOKC, Bright CityOKC, BrittonOKC, BrookwoodOKC, Bryant AvenueOKC, Calvary MissionaryOKC, Camille AvenueOKC, Capitol HillOKC, CentralOKC, Cherokee HillsOKC, ChineseOKC, Christ CentralOKC, Christ MissionaryOKC, Church at the VillageOKC, Circle of LifeOKC, City LightOKC, Classen BoulevardOKC, ConvergenceOKC, CrestviewOKC, CrossroadsOKC, CrosstownOKC, Crown HeightsOKC, Deaf ChurchOKC, DicksonOKC, Dumas Avenue SouthernOKC, E-ChurchOKC, Eagle HeightsOKC, El OlivarOKC, Emanuel HispanicOKC, EmmanuelOKC, EmmausOKC, Exchange AvenueOKC, Faith CrossingOKC, Faith Hope and Love MissionaryOKC, First HispanicOKC, Fortieth StreetOKC, Freedom WorshipOKC, Frontline DowntownOKC, Frontline SouthOKC, GlorietaOKC, Grace And TruthOKC, Grace CommunityOKC, Grace PlaceOKC, Grace PointeOKC, GracewayOKC, Greater BethelOKC, Greater TrinityOKC, Heavenly HeightsOKC, HeritageOKC, Highland HillsOKC, Holy TempleOKC, Howard MemorialOKC, Iglesia Palabra VivaOKC, Iglesia Bautista CentralOKC, Iglesia Bautista Gracia De DiosOKC, Iglesia Comunidad De FeOKC, Iglesia LavillaOKC, Indian CommunityOKC, International CommunityOKC, International GraceOKC, Japanese MissionOKC, Jesus Es El CaminoOKC, KelhamOKC, Kentucky AvenueOKC, Knob HillOKC, Living WordOKC, MayridgeOKC, Miracle TempleOKC, Mission OKCOKC, New BethelOKC, New HopeOKC, New Life MissionOKC, New Vision Community ChurchOKC, NewchurchOKC, Northeast FellowshipOKC, NorthwestOKC, Nueva VidaOKC, OikosOKC, Oklahoma ZotungOKC, OlivetOKC, PlainviewOKC, Portland AvenueOKC, ProspectOKC, ProvidenceOKC, Putnam CityOKC, Quail SpringsOKC, RealOKC, Redemption ChurchOKC, Rios De Agua VivaOKC, RockwoodOKC, SentralOKC, SharonOKC, Shields BoulevardOKC, South LakesOKC, South LindsayOKC, Southern HillsOKC, Southern TempleOKC, SouthparkOKC, Spring CreekOKC, SpringdaleOKC, St. John MissionaryOKC, TabernacleOKC, The ParishOKC, The WellOKC, ThriveOKC, Timber Creek CommunityOKC, Together ChurchOKC, TrinityOKC, Trinity ChineseOKC, Trinity Lao-ThaiOKC, Trinity MissionaryOKC, True LightOKC, Unity ChristianOKC, UrbanOKC, VictoryOKC, Vietnamese FirstOKC, VillageOKC, Vision CommunityOKC, Western AvenueOKC, Wilmont PlaceOKC, Zomi ChristianOkeene, FirstOkemah, All NationsOkemah, Buckeye CreekOkemah, CalvaryOkemah, FirstOkemah, GreenleafOkemah, Last ChanceOkemah, MontesomaOkemah, SkyviewOklahoma Baptist University, BCMOklahoma City Community College, BCMOklahoma City University, BCMOklahoma Panhandle State University, BCMOklahoma State University - OKC, BCMOklahoma State University - Okmulgee, BCMOklahoma State University, BCMOkmulgee, BelvinOkmulgee, CalvaryOkmulgee, ClearViewOkmulgee, FirstOkmulgee, NuyakaOkmulgee, Old Post CowboyOkmulgee, SecondOkmulgee, Twin HillsOktaha, TrinityOlive, FirstOlustee, FirstOmegaOologah, FirstOologah, HarborOrlando, FirstOsage, FirstOU Health Science Center, BCMOverbrook, EastmanOverbrook, MarsdenOverbrook, McAlisterOwasso, BattleCreek ChurchOwasso, BethelOwasso, CentralOwasso, Cowboy UpOwasso, Dalton HillOwasso, FirstOwasso, FreedomOwasso, Redeemer BibleOwasso, The RefugePaden, FirstPanama, FirstPanhandlePanolaPaoli, FirstPark Hill, CarterPark Hill, KeysPauls Valley, BeatyPauls Valley, FirstPauls Valley, GracePauls Valley, LovePauls Valley, Primera HispanicPauls Valley, TrinityPawhuska, CalvaryPawhuska, FirstPawhuska, LynnPawhuska, NelagoneyPawhuska, Osage IndianPawhuska, WhippoorwillPawnee, FirstPawnee, IndianPawnee, MashamPeggs, First SouthernPerkins, FirstPerkins, ImmanuelPerkins, Rockin' M CowboyPerry, FirstPerry, Kaw Street ChapelPerry, SumnerPharoahPiedmont, CrossoverPiedmont, FirstPittsburgPittsburg, SardisPittsburg, Ti ValleyPlatter, FirstPocasset, First MissionaryPocola, FirstPocola, TrinityPonca City, CrestviewPonca City, FirstPonca City, HispanaPonca City, New FaithPonca City, New LifePonca City, NewPointPonca City, NortheastPonca City, Osage HeightsPonca City, Ponca IndianPonca City, ProvidencePonca City, Ranch DrivePonca City, SunsetPond Creek, FirstPorter, FirstPorum, FirstPorum, Friendship ChapelPorum, Oak GrovePoteau, Cross CommunityPoteau, Double BranchPoteau, FirstPoteau, FuelPoteau, HispanicPoteau, SouthsidePoteau, TrinityPottawatomie-LincolnPrague, FirstPrague, Pleasant HomePreston, FirstProctor, FirstPrue, FirstPryor, Coo-Y-YahPryor, Exciting SoutheastPryor, FirstPryor, Heritage SouthernPryor, Life FellowshipPryor, Pleasant ViewPurcell, Cornerstone IndianPurcell, EmmanuelPurcell, FirstPurcell, First HispanicPurcell, Johnson RoadPurcell, New Hope SouthernPurcell, Starting Gate CowboyPurcell, Union HillQuapaw, FirstQuapaw, Spring River IndianQuinton, FeatherstoneQuinton, FirstQuinton, West LibertyRalston, FirstRamona, FirstRandlettRandlett, Union ValleyRatliff City, FirstRatliff City, MiloRattan, CloudyRattan, FirstRaviaRed Oak, Beth-ElRed Oak, CedarRed Oak, FirstRed Oak, North Rock CreekRed Oak, South Rock CreekRed Rock, FirstRed Rock, OtoeRedlands Community College, BCMReydon, FirstRhea, FirstRingling, FirstRingwood, FirstRingwood, Seguidores De JesucristoRock Island, FriendshipRocky, SalemRoff, FirstRoff, Lightning RidgeRoff, Oak GroveRogersRogers State University, BCMRoland, Roland HillsRoland, Swon RoadRoosevelt, FirstRose State College, BCMRose, Elm PrairieRosedale, FirstRufeRush Springs, Cox CityRush Springs, SouthernRush Springs, Vimy RidgeRyan, FirstSaint Louis, FirstSalina, EmmanuelSalina, EuwashaSalina, FirstSalina, First IndianSalina, FreedomSalina, LakeviewSalina, New JordanSalina, Standing RockSalina, SteeleySallisaw, Badger LeeSallisaw, BluntSallisaw, EastsideSallisaw, FirstSallisaw, First AkinsSallisaw, Hanson FirstSallisaw, ImmanuelSallisaw, Pine TreeSallisaw, Prices ChapelSalt ForkSand Springs, Angus AcresSand Springs, BroadwaySand Springs, CalvarySand Springs, Church That MattersSand Springs, DelawareSand Springs, HillSpringSand Springs, Keystone HillsSand Springs, LimestoneSand Springs, RimrockSand Springs, The Father's HouseSand Springs, TrinitySand Springs, WekiwaSans BoisSapulpa, Church Inside OutSapulpa, Coalition ChurchSapulpa, Community IndianSapulpa, FaithSapulpa, FirstSapulpa, Forest HillsSapulpa, FoundationSapulpa, Little CussetahSapulpa, Native StoneSapulpa, Pickett Prairie FirstSapulpa, The WaySasakwa, FirstSasakwa, SpringSavanna, FirstSawyer, FirstSayre, BuffaloSayre, FirstSayre, HextSayre, Lone OakSchulterSchulter, Cedar CreekSeiling, FirstSeminole State College, BCMSeminole, FirstSeminole, Harvey RoadSeminole, HighwaySeminole, Ideal StreetSeminole, Iglesia Bautista ZionSeminole, Indian NationsSeminole, Snake Creek #2Seminole, TrinitySeminole, Twin OakSentinel, FirstShady Point, CalhounShady Point, FirstShamrock, FirstSharon, FirstSharon, South PersimmonShattuck, FirstShawnee, AydelotteShawnee, BibleShawnee, Blackburn ChapelShawnee, Central CityShawnee, First IndianShawnee, FrontlineShawnee, GalileeShawnee, Heritage First ChurchShawnee, HilltopShawnee, HopewellShawnee, ImmanuelShawnee, Mount PleasantShawnee, Rock CreekShawnee, Rock Creek HispanicShawnee, SallateeskaShawnee, SharonShawnee, TempleShawnee, TrinityShawnee, Union MissionaryShawnee, UniversityShawnee, WallaceShidler, FirstShidler, The ChurchSkiatook, FirstSkiatook, ImmanuelSkiatook, Lakeview SouthernSkiatook, Riveted ChurchSkiatook, Tri-CountySlick, FaithSmithville, OctaviaSnyder, FirstSnyder, SouthsideSoper, ArcheySoper, FirstSoper, KentSouth CanadianSouth Coffeyville, FirstSouth Tulsa, BattleCreek ChurchSoutheastern Oklahoma State University, BCMSouthwestern Oklahoma State University - Sayre, BCMSouthwestern Oklahoma State University, BCMSparks, FirstSpavinaw, FirstSpavinaw, RibbonSperry, FirstSpiro, Calvary SouthernSpiro, FirstSpringer, First SouthernSterling, Cross TrailsSterling, FirstStidham, Big Arbor IndianStigler, AntiochStigler, FirstStigler, Main StreetStigler, Rocky RidgeStigler, TrinityStillwater, ChineseStillwater, CountrysideStillwater, Cross Brand CowboyStillwater, Eagle HeightsStillwater, FirstStillwater, HillcrestStillwater, Hispana BethelStillwater, KoreanStillwater, Mehan UnionStillwater, SouthsideStillwater, University HeightsStilwell, AntiochStilwell, Bidding CreekStilwell, BunchStilwell, Calvary SouthernStilwell, Cherry TreeStilwell, ChuculateStilwell, EchotaStilwell, EmmanuelStilwell, FairfieldStilwell, FirstStilwell, Four VisionsStilwell, Mulberry TreeStilwell, OakridgeStilwell, Piney CreekStilwell, Rock SpringsStilwell, SalemStilwell, SequoyahStilwell, Sycamore SpringsStilwell, Victory SouthernStonewall, FirstStrang, FirstStratford, FirstStratford, Sandy HillStringtown, CommunityStringtown, FirstStringtown, McGee ValleyStroud, Deer CreekStroud, FirstStuart, AshlandStuart, FirstSulphur, CalvarySulphur, CentralSulphur, Crossway FirstSulphur, Midway HillSulphur, New HopeSulphur, SandySweetwater, FirstTahlequah, AntiochTahlequah, BoudinotTahlequah, Cedar TreeTahlequah, Crescent ValleyTahlequah, CrosswayTahlequah, EldonTahlequah, Elm TreeTahlequah, FirstTahlequah, First IndianTahlequah, GraceTahlequah, Johnson PrairieTahlequah, New GreenleafTahlequah, Park HillTahlequah, River ValleyTahlequah, SouthsideTalala, FirstTalala, Rabbs CreekTalihina, Buffalo ValleyTalihina, FalfaTalihina, FirstTalihina, God's Country CowboyTalihina, Green HillTalihina, Pine GroveTalihina, Prairie GroveTaloga, FirstTecumseh, FirstTecumseh, Karis MinistriesTecumseh, PinkTemple, FirstTerlton, FirstTerral, FirstTexhoma, FirstTexola, FirstThackerville, FirstThomas, FirstTipton, FirstTishomingo, Bullard ChapelTishomingo, CalvaryTishomingo, FirstTishomingo, First IndianTom, FirstTonkawa, FaithTonkawa, FirstTryon, FirstTulsa Community College, BCMTulsa Downtown, BattleCreek ChurchTulsa MetroTulsa Midtown, BattleCreek ChurchTulsa University, BCMTulsa, BelviewTulsa, BerryhillTulsa, Braden ParkTulsa, BrooksideTulsa, Calvary CampusTulsa, Canyon RoadTulsa, Church Inside Out at Red ForkTulsa, CognizantTulsa, ConcordTulsa, Easton HeightsTulsa, EastwoodTulsa, FirstTulsa, First KoreanTulsa, First SlavicTulsa, Garden CityTulsa, Garnett RoadTulsa, Gilcrease HillsTulsa, Good News ChurchTulsa, Greater New GroveTulsa, Harbor of Grace ChurchTulsa, Harvard AvenueTulsa, Hispanic AgapeTulsa, Hope FellowshipTulsa, Iglesia Bautista El CaminoTulsa, Iglesia Bautista EmmanuelTulsa, Iglesia Biblica BautistaTulsa, Indian FellowshipTulsa, InternationalTulsa, Kuki Worship Service TulsaTulsa, LambTulsa, Living Hope ChurchTulsa, Living WaterTulsa, Logos ChurchTulsa, Lynn LaneTulsa, MemorialTulsa, MercyviewTulsa, Myanmar ZomiTulsa, New Hope CommunityTulsa, New Joy FellowshipTulsa, New OpportunityTulsa, Nogales AvenueTulsa, OakridgeTulsa, Oklahoma HmongTulsa, OlivetTulsa, Owen ParkTulsa, Palabras De VidaTulsa, ParkviewTulsa, PenielTulsa, Primera Iglesia Bautista HispanaTulsa, Ranch AcresTulsa, Restoration Church of BowdenTulsa, Ridge CrestTulsa, Rivendell FellowshipTulsa, Rose of SharonTulsa, Sequoyah HillsTulsa, Skelly DriveTulsa, SojournTulsa, South TulsaTulsa, Southern HillsTulsa, SouthwoodTulsa, SpringdaleTulsa, Springs of GraceTulsa, TrinityTulsa, Tulsa BanglaTulsa, Tulsa ChurchTulsa, Tulsa HillsTulsa, Turn ChurchTulsa, View AcresTulsa, Winnetka HeightsTulsa, Woodland AcresTulsa, Zion CommunityTulsa, ZomiTupelo, FirstTurpin, FirstTuttle, FirstTuttle, Heritage FamilyTuttle, Snow HillTuttle, True Oak FellowshipTyroneUnionUnion City, FirstUniversity Center of Southern Oklahoma, BCMUniversity of Central Oklahoma, BCMUniversity of Oklahoma, BCMUniversity of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, BCMUticaValliant, FirstValliant, Pilgrim RestValliant, TrinityVelmaVera, First SouthernVerden, FirstVerdigris, FirstVianVian CreekVici, FirstVinita, Bunker HillVinita, CalvaryVinita, CarterVinita, Dupree CommunityVinita, FirstVinita, Kelso FaithVinita, TrinityVinita, White OakVinsonWagoner, FirstWagoner, Immanuel SouthernWagoner, Twin OaksWainwright, FirstWakita, FirstWalters, CalvaryWalters, FirstWalters, New SalemWanette, FirstWanette, Victory PointeWann, FirstWapanucka, FirstWapanucka, WilsonWardville, Harpers ValleyWarner, FirstWashington, FirstWashington-OsageWatonga, FirstWatonga, Mission PointWatonga, TrinityWatts, BallardWatts, CrittendenWatts, FirstWaurika, Cross Brand CowboyWaurika, FirstWayne, FirstWaynoka, FirstWeatherford, EmmanuelWeatherford, FirstWeatherford, IndianWeatherford, TrinityWebbers Falls, FirstWebbers Falls, Green ValleyWelchWelch, MaybelleWeleetka, FirstWelling, BarberWellston, CornerstoneWellston, FirstWellston, TrinityWest Siloam Springs, CalvaryWestern OklahomaWestern Oklahoma State College, BCMWestville, BaronWestville, Christie SouthernWestville, FirstWestville, JubileeWetumka, FirstWetumka, IndianWetumka, Sand Creek IndianWewoka, AkasvmkvWewoka, Cornerstone MissionaryWewoka, FirstWewoka, MidwayWheatland, FirstWhitefieldWhitesboroWichita, Discover ChurchWilburton, Boiling SpringWilburton, BowersWilburton, CalvaryWilburton, Center PointWilburton, FirstWilburton, Grace Country CowboyWilburton, High BridgeWilburton, SouthsideWillow, FirstWillow, Spring CreekWilson, FirstWilson, RexroatWilson, RubottomWilson, ZaneisWister, BethelWister, First SouthernWister, Heart O' the HillsWister, SummerfieldWoodward, AscentWoodward, Crown HeightsWoodward, Elm StreetWoodward, FirstWoodward, Lincoln AvenueWoodward, Vida AbundanteWright City, FirstWyandotte, FirstWynnewood, Eastern GateWynnewood, FirstWynnewood, JoyWynnewood, WalkerWynona, FirstYale, Council ValleyYale, FellowshipYale, FirstYukon ChurchYukon, Canadian ValleyYukon, FirstYukon, FrontlineYukon, RefugeYukon, Stable RockYukon, Surrey HillsYukon, Together We ChurchYukon, West Metro CommunityIf you are not registering as a member or as part of an Oklahoma Baptist Affiliated church select "-Other" and complete the fields below.Non-Affiliated Church or Group HomeNon-Affiliated Church/Group Home(Required)Please Select-OtherArdmore, Carter County Group HomeEl Reno, FirstMoore, FirstMuskogee, GrandviewOKC, CrossingsOKC, Portland AvenueIf your church or group home isn't listed please select "-Other" and complete the fields below.Group Name(Required)Group City(Required) Insurance InformationDo you have health insurance coverage? Yes No Insurance Carrier(Required)Policy Number(Required)Insurance Phone(Required)Primary DoctorPrimary Doctor Phone Emergency ContactsFor campers and minors (anyone under 18) please list parent/guardian. This will be the first point of contact in an emergency. For campers and minors please include one emergency contact who is not a parent or guardian.Parent/Guardian Name(Required)Parent/Guardian Relationship(Required)Parent/Guardian Phone(Required)First Emergency Contact Name(Required)First Emergency Contact Relationship(Required)First Emergency Contact Phone(Required)Second Emergency Contact NameSecond Emergency Contact RelationshipSecond Emergency Contact Phone General Health InformationDate of Most Recent Tetanus BoosterIf unsure or it has been longer than 10 years put "None"Can Attendee Climb Stairs?(Required) Yes No Can Attendee Climb & Sleep on Top Bunk Bed?(Required) Yes No Gluten Free(Required) Yes No Sugar Free(Required) Yes No Special Dietary Restrictions/Needs(Required)Please enter "None" if there are no special restrictions or needs.Are Any specific activities to be restricted?(Required)Please enter "None" if there are no activity restrictions.Allergies(Required)AllergyReaction/Side Effects Add RemovePlease list any medicine, food, environment, contact or other allergies. Click the "+" icon to add additional items. Please enter "None" if there are no known allergies. Volunteer InformationI'm a volunteer functioning as a(Required) Buddy Cook Camp Pastor Activity Leader Other I'm A Buddy to the Following Campers (if known) Volunteer ContractNo volunteer will be allowed to stay at the event if this form is not filled out and signed.I agree to the following camp rules and procedures set forth by Perfect Wings Camp. Should any rule or procedure be broken I will be asked to leave as well as the campers in my care. Volunteer will not physically leave the campus without the prior approval of camp leadership. Buddies will be with his/her camper(s) during meal times, recreation, rest/free time, and are responsible for his/her camper(s) overnight. Volunteers may be required to assist in activities if his/her camper requires assistance. Buddies will attend to any necessary care the camper(s) may need in the areas of personal hygiene, feeding, and mobility. Buddies will inform Perfect Wings staff of any contagious diseases his/her camper may have. Buddies will assist the camp nurse in administering the camper’s over-the-counter and prescribed medication. Buddies must be present at all camper activities as designated in the event schedule (will receive upon check-in at camp). All volunteers will perform their duties in a positive manner and interact in a helpful manner to campers. Volunteers must have a background check on file with Oklahoma Baptists before the start of camp. Volunteer Signature(Required)Parent's Signature(Required)Required for volunteers under 18 years old. Camper InformationPlease provide as much detail as possible to help us ensure your camper has a safe experience at camp. Please put "None" or "N/A" for anything that doesn't apply.My Preferred Buddy (If Known)Gender of your preferred buddy Male Female No Preference There is limited housing available for buddies of opposite genders. This may require a camper and buddy to bunk separately. For more information, please contact language or way to communicate(Required)Describe any challenges with movement, hearing, eyesight, or thinking(Required)Special safety instructions / crisis plan(Required)Does the camper experience seizures and if so how often?(Required)Special conditions, treatment challenges, unusual findings, or equipment used (type & size)(Required)If camper is on a weight loss program or has diabetes, please indicate what sort of snacks, desserts, etc. are allowed on the diet(Required)Suggestions from guardian(Required) Health HistoryCheck Yes or No. If Yes, give approximate date or most recent date of occurrence.GeneralEar Infection(Required) Yes No Rheumatic Fever(Required) Yes No Convulsions(Required) Yes No Diabetes(Required) Yes No Muscle Spasms(Required) Yes No Seizures(Required) Yes No Fainting(Required) Yes No Most recent date of occurrence of selected aboveAllergiesHay Fever(Required) Yes No Poison Ivy, etc(Required) Yes No Insect Stings(Required) Yes No Penicillin(Required) Yes No Other Drugs(Required) Yes No DiseasesChicken Pox(Required) Yes No Measles(Required) Yes No German Measles(Required) Yes No Mumps(Required) Yes No Asthma(Required) Yes No Heart Concern(Required) Yes No Other diseases or details of above(Required)Please put "None" if there are no other diseases or details.Chronic or reoccurring illness(Required)Please put "None" if there are no other diseases or details.Operations or serious injuries(Required)Please put "None" if there are no other diseases or details.IMPORTANT: Please notify the camp if this camper is exposed to any communicable disease during the three weeks prior to camp attendance. MedicationsMedication Agreement(Required) I agree to the medication policy below.MEDICATIONS BROUGHT TO CAMP MUST BE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER WITH INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED. Please note that this includes vitamins and any over-the-counter medications. Permission is given for my camper to receive over the counter medication by Medical Staff(Required) Yes No Daily LivingDegree of Disability(Required) Mild: Performs all activities of daily living and self care with minimal or no assistance. Moderate: Performs all activities of daily living, but at slow speed and with some assistance. High: Unable to perform all activities of daily living. Requires constant assistance. Dressing(Required) Independent Verbal Prompting Full Assistance Not Applicable Showering(Required) Independent Verbal Prompting Full Assistance Not Applicable Deodorant(Required) Independent Verbal Prompting Full Assistance Not Applicable Shaving(Required) Independent Verbal Prompting Full Assistance Not Applicable Brushing Teeth(Required) Independent Verbal Prompting Full Assistance Not Applicable Washing Hair(Required) Independent Verbal Prompting Full Assistance Not Applicable Using Toilet(Required) Independent Verbal Prompting Full Assistance Not Applicable Menstrual Hygiene(Required) Independent Verbal Prompting Full Assistance Not Applicable Brushing Hair(Required) Independent Verbal Prompting Full Assistance Not Applicable Incontinence Supplies(Required) Independent Verbal Prompting Full Assistance Not Applicable General Policies & ProceduresBuddy Admission A responsible adult or teen (16 years and up) can apply for buddy placement. One buddy may accompany up to three campers. Campers requiring assistance with mobility, behavior management, or skills, will require one-on-one staffing during the duration of the event. Camper Admission Camp Perfect Wings is open to campers 8 years and up for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The camp ground presents a more physically challenging setting and should be taken into consideration. Campers must have no life-threatening condition or any contagious disease must be listed on registration form. A responsible adult or teen, designated as a buddy must accompany each camper. One buddy may accompany up to three campers. Campers requiring assistance with mobility or behavior management must provide one-on-one staffing during the duration of the event. Camp Perfect Wings reserves the right to evaluate the individual need of campers on a case by case basis to determine if our staff and volunteers can adequately accommodate and provide for the campers needs and safety. Medications The camp medical staff will administer all medications (over-the-counter and prescription.) All medications must remain in its original container. Medication will be securely stored in the nurse’s station. In the event that you will need medication at camp please bring the medication along with the attached Medication Authorization Form to present to the camp nurse at registration. Background Checks Oklahoma Baptists requires that anyone over the age of 18 has a current background check. Oklahoma Baptists classifies a background check current if it is no more than 18 months old at the time of the event. Camp leadership will contact anyone who does not have a current background check on file with Oklahoma Baptists before camp begins. Volunteer Contract Each buddy, must sign a contract that defines the responsibilities and duties of the buddy. If the contract is broken, the buddy may be required to leave camp. Camper, Volunteer & Staff Identification All campers, volunteers and staff will wear identification badges at all times except for sleeping. Dress Code Each attendee is also required to wear appropriate camping clothing (t-shirts, jeans or long shorts are acceptable. No short shorts, halter tops, mini-skirt, etc). Female campers should wear a dark t-shirt over 2 piece swimsuits. It is permitted for people to wear sandals at camp, but some of our activities require closed-toe shoes. Because of this we ask that everyone bring a pair of closed-toe tennis shoes/sneakers. Smoke-Free & Tobacco-Free Camps Camp Perfect Wings is committed to providing a safe environment. Use or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco of any type is not permitted on the grounds. This includes e-cigarettes or other facsimiles. Other Precautions Staff and volunteers will use universal precautions (gloves, bleach solution) when cleaning any bodily fluids. All types of drugs, alcohol, weapons or controlled substances are strictly prohibited in the camp ground and will result in dismissal from the camp.Agreement(Required) I agree to the policies and procedures Background ChecksOklahoma Baptists requires that anyone over the age of 18 has a current background check. Oklahoma Baptists classifies a background check current if it is no more than 18 months old at the time of the event. Camp leadership will contact anyone who does not have a current background check on file with Oklahoma Baptists before camp begins.Background Check Status(Required) I need a background check ran I have completed a background check within the last 18 months and it is already on file with Oklahoma Baptists Authorization of Parent or Guardian and PaymentThis health history and other information are correct as far as I know, and the person herein described has permission to engage in all prescribed activities, except as noted. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the camp director to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injections, anesthesia or surgery for the camper named above.Photo Release I give permission for my camper’s pictures to be taken during the event and to be used in publication/news materials by Oklahoma Baptists. Signature of Parent or Guardian(Required)Camper RatePayment Method Credit Card Check Credit CardCard Details Cardholder Name You can bring your check payment to camp or mail your check to: Oklahoma Baptists ATTN: Childhood Ministries 3800 N May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Total